
Mon – Wed: 8:30-5:00
Thu – 8:30-2:00

Why Choose Family Dentistry?

Why Choose Family Dentistry?

One of the most important decision for the health of you and your family is a family dentist. Similar to a general dentist, family dentists offer a few significant exceptions. Both types of dentists treat oral health and manage dental hygiene, but family dentists offer care to patients of all ages. This makes family dentistry a convenient choice especially if you have family members of various ages in your home.

Traditional dental services that you’d expect from any dentist are available at a family dental office. Preventative services like professional cleanings, fluoride treatments, and thorough examinations are offered. Regular checkups allow for diagnostic tests to catch problems in their early stages, before they have a chance to advance and become very painful or complicated to repair. Procedures like dental fillings, bonding, root canal therapy, teeth whitening and more are often available through your family dentist. If specialized care is required that is not performed in the office, the dentist will provide a referral to an appropriate specialist for treatment.

Finding the right family dental practice for your whole family is vital. This will increase the comfort level of your family members and promote checkups every six months as advised by dentists. To choose your family dentist, ask friends, family, coworkers and neighbors for recommendations. Schedule a consultation to meet the dentist and staff, see the office, and make sure the practice meets your requirements. It is especially important to ensure children are comfortable with the family dentist to help avoid fears or anxiety. Also look for an office convenient to your home so that everyone will be more likely to keep their appointments.

From baby teeth in kids to permanent teeth in adults to missing teeth in seniors, family dentists are trained and equipped to handle everyone’s needs.

We look forward to seeing you in our Conyers dental office

Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

A brilliant, sparkling smile can offer many benefits. Enhancing your appearance can boost confidence, improve your attitude, and open doors both personally and professionally. With modern cosmetic dental options, your dentist can remove flaws and create a vibrant, new image. Teeth whitening, veneers, and porcelain crowns can transform your smile from drab to dynamite.

You may want to consider cosmetic dentistry if you want to:

Change the color of your teeth

Over time, your pearly whites can start to look dull or yellow. Age, certain foods and beverages, and lifestyle choices may produce undesirable results on your smile. With professional teeth whitening, you can erase stains and brighten your teeth up to 10 shades. Many dentists offer both in-office and at-home teeth whitening.

Create a uniform look

If you have gaps between teeth or chips you want to cover, you might think about porcelain veneers. These thin shells of dental porcelain permanently cover your front teeth, producing a sensational smile. Typically, your dentist can place porcelain veneers in just two to three visits.

Straighten your smile

Crooked teeth not only look less attractive, but they can also cause oral health problems by making home hygiene more difficult. With options like Invisalign clear braces or ceramic brackets, you can enhance your smile without compromising your mature image.

Replace missing teeth

Even one lost tooth can cause oral health issues such as misalignment and shifting of remaining teeth. Dental implants and bridgework can fill the empty spaces so that you can once again enjoy a complete smile.

Repair damaged areas

Sometimes, your teeth sustain damage. With composite filings and porcelain crowns, your dentist can restore stability and still leave your gorgeous smile looking its best.

If you live in the Conyers, contact us today

Guidelines After Teeth Whitening Treatment

Guidelines After Teeth Whitening Treatment

Professional teeth whitening can provide dramatic improvements very quickly. Within only an hour, you can walk out of the dentist’s office with a bright, younger looking, beautiful smile. If you decide to have your teeth professionally whitening, you’ll want to maintain that brilliant look as long as possible.

Here are some tips for extending the look of your rejuvenated smile.

Avoid staining foods and drinks.

Steer clear of things like red wine, coffee, teas, beets, dark sauces, or items containing artificial food coloring for at least 48 hours after whitening treatment. Choose foods that tend to polish teeth like leafy vegetables or crunchy carrots.

Quit smoking.

Tobacco is one of the main culprits that darkens smiles. It may be the reason you needed whitening treatment in the first place. For whiter teeth and better overall health, quit smoking.

Use a straw.

Direct contact with cold or hot drinks may make your teeth more sensitive after treatment, as well as risk staining your newly whitened teeth. Avoid drinking straight from glasses or bottles, opting to use a straw instead.

Don’t brush too hard.

A general rule of thumb for proper oral hygiene is not brushing too vigorously, but it’s especially important following whitening treatment when your teeth are more sensitive. Hard brushing may scratch your teeth and lead to scarring, which can in turn cause cavities.

Breathe through your nose.

Mouth breathing may make your teeth more sensitive following treatment due to breathing in cold air, so try to keep your mouth closed and breathe through your nose instead.

Our dental office is located in Conyers

Facts About Cosmetic Dentistry

Facts About Cosmetic Dentistry

The overall idea of cosmetic dentistry is enhancing a person’s appearance by creating a beautiful smile. Some people need only one or two improvements, and others benefit from a whole array of cosmetic dental procedures.

Let’s learn some facts about this branch of dentistry so you’ll know if it’s something you’d like to pursue.

Cosmetic dentistry involves treatments that fall into different categories in terms of oral health requirements, length of time the repair takes, financial responsibility and more. Every patient is different and your cosmetic dentist will evaluate your smile to help you decide on a treatment plan that best meets your needs and desires.

The most popular treatment performed by cosmetic dentists is teeth whitening. Numerous whitening products are available for home use such as toothpastes, gels and strips, but professional whitening administered in the dentist’s chair is the most effective. It gives you a bright new smile in only an hour.

Dental bonding is a cost-effective and fast solution for repairing minor dental flaws. A tooth-colored composite resin material is secured to a tooth to fill gaps, hide cracks, cover stains and more, and then shaped and polished to look great in your smile.

Crowns are used to restore a weakened or damaged tooth. When a large part of a tooth is removed due to advanced decay or a root canal procedure is performed, crowns are used during tooth repair. They are also often part of the process for dental implants or bridges.

Missing teeth can be permanently and attractively replaced with dental implants, a surgical procedure that places a titanium rod into the jawbone to replicate a tooth root and then covered with a crown.

Cosmetic dentists also provide orthodontics to straighten teeth and correct misalignment. The newest method used is called Invisalign, clear plastic aligners that gradually shift teeth without the hassles of traditional braces.

If a more drastic cosmetic improvement is desired, dental veneers may be the best choice. These thin porcelain shells are adhered to the fronts of teeth to hide many types of problems. A brand new smile is possible in just a few office visits.

Schedule your appointment at our Conyers dental office