
Mon – Wed: 8:00-4:00
Thu: 8:00-2:00

Preparing for Your Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure

There are many types of cosmetic dental procedures, from teeth whitening to porcelain veneers. While some procedures like veneers require little to no advance preparation, some procedures require more forethought. Make the most of your visit by making the right preparations.

All cosmetic dental procedures should begin with a discussion with your dentist. Your dentist is skilled and experienced. Your dentist best knows your teeth and your dental needs and can give you the advice you need. Some common cosmetic dental procedures and how to prepare for them are explained below.

Teeth whitening: Cleaning your teeth before a tooth whitening treatment will help you achieve better results. If you clean the plaque and tartar off of the tooth surface, the whitening will affect the entire surface of the tooth. Be sure to look at a shade guide before your procedure to establish your existing tooth color and to choose your goal shade. Teeth whitening is not recommended for expectant or nursing mothers, as the effects of the whitening chemicals on unborn children or infants has not been explored.

Oral surgery: Many cosmetic dentistry procedures involve some type of oral surgery. To prepare for your surgery, follow all of the instructions of your surgeon. Make transportation arrangements, as you may not be able to drive. Get your medication in advance, so you will be prepared to take your pain medication or antibiotics immediately following your procedure instead of having to wait and possibly endure pain. Follow all of your pre-op instructions, including any diet restrictions. Plan your recovery diet beforehand, so you will have a variety of healthy, appropriate foods available to you.

Braces: Before braces are applied to your teeth, you will need a full check-up to look for decay or problems with your gums. After application or adjustment, your mouth may be sore. Treat this with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. Because braces may chafe initially against your teeth and gums, have some specialized wax available to place over the bracket to help shield your mouth until your tongue and cheeks adjust.

If you need a dentist in Conyers contact us today